

A.    What is your name?My name is Juan Pablo Montoya

B.    How old are you? I’m 15.

C.    Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? No, I don’t have a girlfriend.

D.    Where do you study?I study in Colegio Loyola.

E.    Where do you live?I live in Robledo Kennedy

F.     Do you have any special talent?I think being a gamer is a talent.

G.    What do you do in your free time?I play videogames on my free time.

H.    Do you like sports?Yes, I do.

I.      What is your favorite sport? – My favorite sport is soccer.

J.      Do you practice sports? Which ones?No, I don’t practice any sport

K.    What is your favorite TV show? – My favorite TV show is The Walking dead.

L.      What is your favorite movie?My favorite movie is Batman Dark Knight

M.  What is your favorite kind of music?My favorite kinds of music are Punk and rock.

N.    What is your favorite singer?My favorite singer is Robe Iniesta.

O.    What is your favorite song?My favorite song in this moment is Más gente como tú by La Toma.

P.    Do you like reading?Yes, I do.

Q.    What is your favorite book?My favorite book is “Instruments of the Night” by Thomas H. Cook

R.     What is your favorite subject at school?My favorite subjects at school are Chemestry and Biology.

S.    Who is your favorite teacher at school?My favorite teacher at school is William.